The Magical World of Santa’s Elves: A Peek Inside Their Homes
For those with kids, when the Christmas season rolls around, it is all about Santa Claus. However, in recent years there has been just as much interest in elves that come into the home, known as Elf On The Shelf. If your children are super inquisitive, they may be asking tons of questions about these elves. For example, how does Santa Claus send the elves to their home? How does Santa Claus know to send a certain elf year after year? And the list goes on. While many parents are able to get away with just stating that Santa Claus is magical and that is how he is able to get the elf into their home, other kids have even more questions about that!
So, how can you answer these questions about Santa Claus and the elves that are in your home for the month of December? Here are some ideas that may help not only keep the magical spirit of this activity but also help to answer all those little inquisitive questions!
The Secret Pathway: How Santa Claus Directs His Elves to Your Home

Did you know that Santa Claus has a huge database of which elf he sends to every kids home? This is how he is able to ensure that your elf makes it back to your home year after year. Of course, this database used to be a huge book that he wrote. But, with the help of technology, Santa Claus has come into the 21st century and has this in an Excel sheet.
The elves are teleported to the homes of all the little girls and boys, and they appear as soon as the Christmas tree is put up. Why, when the tree is put up in your home do they appear? Well, every year when Santa drops off presents, he is going to add a tracker of sorts to the tree. This tracker is magical and cannot be seen, but it alerts him when the tree is once again up in the home. From there, he calls up the elves that are meant to go to that home and they are on their way under the dark of night.
The only issue they have with teleporting to their homes for the next month is that the elves don’t often land in the right places, and since they can only move around at night, this explains why some elves are head first in the tree on the morning that they arrive. It hasn’t been a real issue for the elves, as they are super flexible and really like to be mischievous, so they think it is fun!
Are the elves really watching you? Yes! They have become the eyes for Santa Claus. Santa was having a hard time trying to watch every little girl and boy, so he enlisted the Elf on the Shelf program to help him watch kids when it got closer to Christmas. These elves have been highly trained to watch…and they are still allowed to get into trouble and play pranks or leave candy behind for their kids every morning.